Element index for package PHPExcel_Style
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ f ]
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[ h ]
[ i ]
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[ o ]
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[ _ ]
- __clone
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __clone
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::__clone()
Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
- __construct
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Protection
- __construct
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Border
- __construct
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style
- __construct
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat
- __construct
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Borders
- __construct
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional
- __construct
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
- __construct
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Fill
- __construct
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Font
- __construct
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::__construct()
Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Color
- addCondition
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::addCondition()
Add Condition
- applyFromArray
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- applyFromArray
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::applyFromArray()
Apply styles from array
- Alignment.php
- procedural page Alignment.php
- bindParent
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- bindParent
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::bindParent()
Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHED
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOTTED
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DOUBLE
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_HAIR
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUM
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK
- in file Border.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN
- builtInFormatCode
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::builtInFormatCode()
Get built-in format code
- builtInFormatCodeIndex
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::builtInFormatCodeIndex()
Get built-in format code index
- Border.php
- procedural page Border.php
- Borders.php
- procedural page Borders.php
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_BLACK
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_BLUE
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_DARKBLUE
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_DARKGREEN
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_DARKRED
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_DARKYELLOW
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_GREEN
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_RED
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_WHITE
- in file Color.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_CELLIS
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_CONTAINSTEXT
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_EXPRESSION
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::CONDITION_NONE
- Color.php
- procedural page Color.php
- Conditional.php
- procedural page Conditional.php
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_LINEAR
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_PATH
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_NONE
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKDOWN
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRAY
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRID
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKHORIZONTAL
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKTRELLIS
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKUP
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKVERTICAL
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY0625
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY125
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTDOWN
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRAY
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRID
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTHORIZONTAL
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTTRELLIS
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTUP
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTVERTICAL
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_MEDIUMGRAY
- in file Fill.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_CURRENCY_EUR_SIMPLE
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD_SIMPLE
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_DATETIME
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_DDMMYYYY
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_DMMINUS
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_DMYMINUS
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_DMYSLASH
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_MYMINUS
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME1
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME2
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME3
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME4
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME5
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME6
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME7
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME8
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX14
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX15
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX16
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX17
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX22
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD2
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDDSLASH
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_GENERAL
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_00
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED1
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED2
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00
- in file NumberFormat.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT
- Fill.php
- procedural page Fill.php
- Font.php
- procedural page Font.php
- getActiveCell
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveCell
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getActiveCell()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getActiveSheet
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getActiveSheet
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getActiveSheet()
Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
- getAlignment
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getAlignment()
Get Alignment
- getAllBorders
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getAllBorders()
Get AllBorders (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor.
- getARGB
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getARGB()
- getBold
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getBold()
Get Bold
- getBorders
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getBorders()
Get Borders
- getBorderStyle
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getBorderStyle()
Get Border style
- getBottom
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getBottom()
Get Bottom
- getBuiltInFormatCode
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getBuiltInFormatCode()
Get Built-In Format Code
- getColor
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getColor()
Get Border Color
- getColor
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getColor()
Get Color
- getCondition
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getCondition()
Get Condition
- getConditionalStyles
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getConditionalStyles()
Get Conditional Styles. Only used on supervisor.
- getConditions
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getConditions()
Get Conditions
- getConditionType
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getConditionType()
Get Condition type
- getDiagonal
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getDiagonal()
Get Diagonal
- getDiagonalDirection
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getDiagonalDirection()
Get DiagonalDirection
- getEndColor
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getEndColor()
Get End Color
- getFill
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getFill()
Get Fill
- getFillType
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getFillType()
Get Fill Type
- getFont
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getFont()
Get Font
- getFormatCode
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getFormatCode()
Get Format Code
- getHashCode
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHashCode
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getHashCode()
Get hash code
- getHidden
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getHidden()
Get hidden
- getHorizontal
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getHorizontal()
Get Horizontal (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor.
- getHorizontal
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getHorizontal()
Get Horizontal
- getIndent
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getIndent()
Get indent
- getIndex
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getIndex()
Get own index in style collection
- getInside
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getInside()
Get Inside (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor.
- getIsSupervisor
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getIsSupervisor
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getIsSupervisor()
Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
- getItalic
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getItalic()
Get Italic
- getLeft
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getLeft()
Get Left
- getLocked
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getLocked()
Get locked
- getName
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getName()
Get Name
- getNumberFormat
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getNumberFormat()
Get Number Format
- getOperatorType
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getOperatorType()
Get Operator type
- getOutline
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getOutline()
Get Outline (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor.
- getParent
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getParent()
Get parent. Only used for style supervisor
- getProtection
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getProtection()
Get Protection
- getRGB
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getRGB()
- getRight
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getRight()
Get Right
- getRotation
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getRotation()
Get Rotation
- getSelectedCells
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSelectedCells
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getSelectedCells()
Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getSharedComponent
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getSharedComponent()
Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
- getShrinkToFit
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getShrinkToFit()
Get Shrink to fit
- getSize
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getSize()
Get Size
- getStartColor
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getStartColor()
Get Start Color
- getStrikethrough
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getStrikethrough()
Get Strikethrough
- getStriketrough
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getStriketrough()
Get Striketrough
- getStyle
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getStyle()
Get Style
- getStyleArray
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getStyleArray
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::getStyleArray()
Build style array from subcomponents
- getSubScript
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getSubScript()
Get SubScript
- getSuperScript
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getSuperScript()
Get SuperScript
- getText
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::getText()
Get text
- getTextRotation
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getTextRotation()
Get TextRotation
- getTop
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getTop()
Get Top
- getUnderline
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::getUnderline()
Get Underline
- getVertical
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::getVertical()
Get Vertical (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor.
- getVertical
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getVertical()
Get Vertical
- getWrapText
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::getWrapText()
Get Wrap Text
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_BEGINSWITH
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_BETWEEN
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_CONTAINSTEXT
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_ENDSWITH
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_EQUAL
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_GREATERTHANOREQUAL
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_LESSTHAN
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_LESSTHANOREQUAL
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_NONE
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS
- in file Conditional.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL
- Protection.php
- procedural page Protection.php
- PHPExcel_Style
- in file Style.php, class PHPExcel_Style
- PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
- in file Alignment.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
- PHPExcel_Style_Border
- in file Border.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Border
- PHPExcel_Style_Borders
- in file Borders.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Borders
- PHPExcel_Style_Color
- in file Color.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Color
- PHPExcel_Style_Conditional
- in file Conditional.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Conditional
- PHPExcel_Style_Fill
- in file Fill.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Fill
- PHPExcel_Style_Font
- in file Font.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Font
- PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat
- in file NumberFormat.php, class PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat
- PHPExcel_Style_Protection
- in file Protection.php, class PHPExcel_Style_Protection
- in file Protection.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_INHERIT
Protection styles
- in file Protection.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_PROTECTED
- in file Protection.php, class constant PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_UNPROTECTED
- Style.php
- procedural page Style.php
- setARGB
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::setARGB()
- setBold
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setBold()
Set Bold
- setBorderStyle
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::setBorderStyle()
Set Border style
- setBuiltInFormatCode
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::setBuiltInFormatCode()
Set Built-In Format Code
- setColor
- in file Border.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Border::setColor()
Set Border Color
- setColor
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setColor()
Set Color
- setCondition
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::setCondition()
Set Condition
- setConditionalStyles
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::setConditionalStyles()
Set Conditional Styles. Only used on supervisor.
- setConditions
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::setConditions()
Set Conditions
- setConditionType
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::setConditionType()
Set Condition type
- setDiagonalDirection
- in file Borders.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Borders::setDiagonalDirection()
Set DiagonalDirection
- setEndColor
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::setEndColor()
Set End Color
- setFillType
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::setFillType()
Set Fill Type
- setFont
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::setFont()
Set font
- setFormatCode
- in file NumberFormat.php, method PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::setFormatCode()
Set Format Code
- setHidden
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::setHidden()
Set hidden
- setHorizontal
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::setHorizontal()
Set Horizontal
- setIndent
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::setIndent()
Set indent
- setIndex
- in file Style.php, method PHPExcel_Style::setIndex()
Set own index in style collection
- setItalic
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setItalic()
Set Italic
- setLocked
- in file Protection.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Protection::setLocked()
Set locked
- setName
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setName()
Set Name
- setOperatorType
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::setOperatorType()
Set Operator type
- setRGB
- in file Color.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Color::setRGB()
- setRotation
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::setRotation()
Set Rotation
- setShrinkToFit
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::setShrinkToFit()
Set Shrink to fit
- setSize
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setSize()
Set Size
- setStartColor
- in file Fill.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Fill::setStartColor()
Set Start Color
- setStrikethrough
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setStrikethrough()
Set Strikethrough
- setStriketrough
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setStriketrough()
Set Striketrough
- setStyle
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::setStyle()
Set Style
- setSubScript
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setSubScript()
Set SubScript
- setSuperScript
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setSuperScript()
Set SuperScript
- setText
- in file Conditional.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Conditional::setText()
Set text
- setTextRotation
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::setTextRotation()
Set TextRotation
- setUnderline
- in file Font.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Font::setUnderline()
Set Underline
- setVertical
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::setVertical()
Set Vertical
- setWrapText
- in file Alignment.php, method PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::setWrapText()
Set Wrap Text