Source for file Alignment.php
Documentation is available at Alignment.php
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @package PHPExcel_Style
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version 1.7.3c, 2010-06-01
* PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
* @package PHPExcel_Style
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 PHPExcel (
/* Horizontal alignment styles */
const HORIZONTAL_GENERAL = 'general';
const HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 'left';
const HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 'right';
const HORIZONTAL_CENTER = 'center';
const HORIZONTAL_CENTER_CONTINUOUS = 'centerContinuous';
const HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY = 'justify';
/* Vertical alignment styles */
const VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 'bottom';
const VERTICAL_TOP = 'top';
const VERTICAL_CENTER = 'center';
const VERTICAL_JUSTIFY = 'justify';
* Indent - only possible with horizontal alignment left and right
* @var _parentPropertyName string
private $_parentPropertyName;
* Parent. Only used for supervisor
* Create a new PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
$this->_isSupervisor = $isSupervisor;
$this->_textRotation = 0;
$this->_wrapText = false;
$this->_shrinkToFit = false;
* Bind parent. Only used for supervisor
* @param PHPExcel $parent
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
$this->_parent = $parent;
* Is this a supervisor or a real style component?
return $this->_isSupervisor;
* Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
* Only used for style supervisor
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
* Get the currently active sheet. Only used for supervisor
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
* Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
* Only used for supervisor
* @return string E.g. 'A1'
* Get the currently active cell coordinate in currently active sheet.
* Only used for supervisor
* @return string E.g. 'A1'
* Build style array from subcomponents
return array('alignment' => $array);
* Apply styles from array
* $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2')->getAlignment()->applyFromArray(
* 'horizontal' => PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER,
* 'vertical' => PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER,
* @param array $pStyles Array containing style information
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
throw new Exception("Invalid style array passed.");
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
return $this->_horizontal;
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
public function setHorizontal($pValue = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL) {
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
$styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(array('horizontal' => $pValue));
$this->_horizontal = $pValue;
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
public function setVertical($pValue = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_BOTTOM) {
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
$styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(array('vertical' => $pValue));
$this->_vertical = $pValue;
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
return $this->_textRotation;
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
// Excel2007 value 255 => PHPExcel value -165
if ( ($pValue >= - 90 && $pValue <= 90) || $pValue == - 165 ) {
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
$styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(array('rotation' => $pValue));
$this->_textRotation = $pValue;
throw new Exception("Text rotation should be a value between -90 and 90.");
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
$this->_wrapText = $pValue;
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
return $this->_shrinkToFit;
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
$styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(array('shrinkToFit' => $pValue));
$this->_shrinkToFit = $pValue;
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
* @return PHPExcel_Style_Alignment
$pValue = 0; // indent not supported
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
$this->_indent = $pValue;
* @return string Hash code
if ($this->_isSupervisor) {
. ($this->_wrapText ? 't' : 'f')
. ($this->_shrinkToFit ? 't' : 'f')
* Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = clone $value;