Source for file String.php
Documentation is available at String.php
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @package PHPExcel_Shared
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 PHPExcel (
* @license LGPL
* @version 1.7.3c, 2010-06-01
* @package PHPExcel_Shared
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 PHPExcel (
const STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION = '(-?)(\d+)\s+(\d+\/\d+)';
* Control characters array
private static $_controlCharacters = array();
private static $_SYLKCharacters = array();
private static $_decimalSeparator;
private static $_thousandsSeparator;
* Is mbstring extension avalable?
private static $_isMbstringEnabled;
* Is iconv extension avalable?
private static $_isIconvEnabled;
* Build control characters array
private static function _buildControlCharacters() {
for ($i = 0; $i <= 31; ++ $i) {
if ($i != 9 && $i != 10 && $i != 13) {
self::$_controlCharacters[$find] = $replace;
* Build SYLK characters array
private static function _buildSYLKCharacters()
self::$_SYLKCharacters = array(
"\x1B(0" => '€', // 128 in CP1252
"\x1B(2" => '‚', // 130 in CP1252
"\x1B(3" => 'ƒ', // 131 in CP1252
"\x1B(4" => '„', // 132 in CP1252
"\x1B(5" => '…', // 133 in CP1252
"\x1B(6" => '†', // 134 in CP1252
"\x1B(7" => '‡', // 135 in CP1252
"\x1B(8" => 'ˆ', // 136 in CP1252
"\x1B(9" => '‰', // 137 in CP1252
"\x1B(:" => 'Š', // 138 in CP1252
"\x1B(;" => '‹', // 139 in CP1252
"\x1BNj" => 'Œ', // 140 in CP1252
"\x1B(>" => 'Ž', // 142 in CP1252
"\x1B)1" => '‘', // 145 in CP1252
"\x1B)2" => '’', // 146 in CP1252
"\x1B)3" => '“', // 147 in CP1252
"\x1B)4" => '”', // 148 in CP1252
"\x1B)5" => '•', // 149 in CP1252
"\x1B)6" => '–', // 150 in CP1252
"\x1B)7" => '—', // 151 in CP1252
"\x1B)8" => '˜', // 152 in CP1252
"\x1B)9" => '™', // 153 in CP1252
"\x1B):" => 'š', // 154 in CP1252
"\x1B);" => '›', // 155 in CP1252
"\x1BNz" => 'œ', // 156 in CP1252
"\x1B)>" => 'ž', // 158 in CP1252
"\x1B)?" => 'Ÿ', // 159 in CP1252
"\x1B*0" => ' ', // 160 in CP1252
"\x1BN!" => '¡', // 161 in CP1252
"\x1BN\"" => '¢', // 162 in CP1252
"\x1BN#" => '£', // 163 in CP1252
"\x1BN(" => '¤', // 164 in CP1252
"\x1BN%" => '¥', // 165 in CP1252
"\x1B*6" => '¦', // 166 in CP1252
"\x1BN'" => '§', // 167 in CP1252
"\x1BNH " => '¨', // 168 in CP1252
"\x1BNS" => '©', // 169 in CP1252
"\x1BNc" => 'ª', // 170 in CP1252
"\x1BN+" => '«', // 171 in CP1252
"\x1B*<" => '¬', // 172 in CP1252
"\x1B*=" => '', // 173 in CP1252
"\x1BNR" => '®', // 174 in CP1252
"\x1B*?" => '¯', // 175 in CP1252
"\x1BN0" => '°', // 176 in CP1252
"\x1BN1" => '±', // 177 in CP1252
"\x1BN2" => '²', // 178 in CP1252
"\x1BN3" => '³', // 179 in CP1252
"\x1BNB " => '´', // 180 in CP1252
"\x1BN5" => 'µ', // 181 in CP1252
"\x1BN6" => '¶', // 182 in CP1252
"\x1BN7" => '·', // 183 in CP1252
"\x1B+8" => '¸', // 184 in CP1252
"\x1BNQ" => '¹', // 185 in CP1252
"\x1BNk" => 'º', // 186 in CP1252
"\x1BN;" => '»', // 187 in CP1252
"\x1BN<" => '¼', // 188 in CP1252
"\x1BN=" => '½', // 189 in CP1252
"\x1BN>" => '¾', // 190 in CP1252
"\x1BN?" => '¿', // 191 in CP1252
"\x1BNAA" => 'À', // 192 in CP1252
"\x1BNBA" => 'Á', // 193 in CP1252
"\x1BNCA" => 'Â', // 194 in CP1252
"\x1BNDA" => 'Ã', // 195 in CP1252
"\x1BNHA" => 'Ä', // 196 in CP1252
"\x1BNJA" => 'Å', // 197 in CP1252
"\x1BNa" => 'Æ', // 198 in CP1252
"\x1BNKC" => 'Ç', // 199 in CP1252
"\x1BNAE" => 'È', // 200 in CP1252
"\x1BNBE" => 'É', // 201 in CP1252
"\x1BNCE" => 'Ê', // 202 in CP1252
"\x1BNHE" => 'Ë', // 203 in CP1252
"\x1BNAI" => 'Ì', // 204 in CP1252
"\x1BNBI" => 'Í', // 205 in CP1252
"\x1BNCI" => 'Î', // 206 in CP1252
"\x1BNHI" => 'Ï', // 207 in CP1252
"\x1BNb" => 'Ð', // 208 in CP1252
"\x1BNDN" => 'Ñ', // 209 in CP1252
"\x1BNAO" => 'Ò', // 210 in CP1252
"\x1BNBO" => 'Ó', // 211 in CP1252
"\x1BNCO" => 'Ô', // 212 in CP1252
"\x1BNDO" => 'Õ', // 213 in CP1252
"\x1BNHO" => 'Ö', // 214 in CP1252
"\x1B-7" => '×', // 215 in CP1252
"\x1BNi" => 'Ø', // 216 in CP1252
"\x1BNAU" => 'Ù', // 217 in CP1252
"\x1BNBU" => 'Ú', // 218 in CP1252
"\x1BNCU" => 'Û', // 219 in CP1252
"\x1BNHU" => 'Ü', // 220 in CP1252
"\x1B-=" => 'Ý', // 221 in CP1252
"\x1BNl" => 'Þ', // 222 in CP1252
"\x1BN{" => 'ß', // 223 in CP1252
"\x1BNAa" => 'à', // 224 in CP1252
"\x1BNBa" => 'á', // 225 in CP1252
"\x1BNCa" => 'â', // 226 in CP1252
"\x1BNDa" => 'ã', // 227 in CP1252
"\x1BNHa" => 'ä', // 228 in CP1252
"\x1BNJa" => 'å', // 229 in CP1252
"\x1BNq" => 'æ', // 230 in CP1252
"\x1BNKc" => 'ç', // 231 in CP1252
"\x1BNAe" => 'è', // 232 in CP1252
"\x1BNBe" => 'é', // 233 in CP1252
"\x1BNCe" => 'ê', // 234 in CP1252
"\x1BNHe" => 'ë', // 235 in CP1252
"\x1BNAi" => 'ì', // 236 in CP1252
"\x1BNBi" => 'í', // 237 in CP1252
"\x1BNCi" => 'î', // 238 in CP1252
"\x1BNHi" => 'ï', // 239 in CP1252
"\x1BNs" => 'ð', // 240 in CP1252
"\x1BNDn" => 'ñ', // 241 in CP1252
"\x1BNAo" => 'ò', // 242 in CP1252
"\x1BNBo" => 'ó', // 243 in CP1252
"\x1BNCo" => 'ô', // 244 in CP1252
"\x1BNDo" => 'õ', // 245 in CP1252
"\x1BNHo" => 'ö', // 246 in CP1252
"\x1B/7" => '÷', // 247 in CP1252
"\x1BNy" => 'ø', // 248 in CP1252
"\x1BNAu" => 'ù', // 249 in CP1252
"\x1BNBu" => 'ú', // 250 in CP1252
"\x1BNCu" => 'û', // 251 in CP1252
"\x1BNHu" => 'ü', // 252 in CP1252
"\x1B/=" => 'ý', // 253 in CP1252
"\x1BN|" => 'þ', // 254 in CP1252
"\x1BNHy" => 'ÿ', // 255 in CP1252
* Get whether mbstring extension is available
if (isset (self::$_isMbstringEnabled)) {
return self::$_isMbstringEnabled;
self::$_isMbstringEnabled = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ?
return self::$_isMbstringEnabled;
* Get whether iconv extension is available
if (isset (self::$_isIconvEnabled)) {
return self::$_isIconvEnabled;
// Fail if iconv doesn't exist
if (!function_exists('iconv')) {
self::$_isIconvEnabled = false;
// Sometimes iconv is not working, and e.g. iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', 'x') just returns false,
if (!@iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', 'x')) {
self::$_isIconvEnabled = false;
// Sometimes iconv_substr('A', 0, 1, 'UTF-8') just returns false in PHP 5.2.0
// we cannot use iconv in that case either (
if (!@iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', 'x')) {
self::$_isIconvEnabled = false;
// CUSTOM: IBM AIX iconv() does not work
self::$_isIconvEnabled = false;
// If we reach here no problems were detected with iconv
self::$_isIconvEnabled = true;
* Convert from OpenXML escaped control character to PHP control character
* That's correct, control characters are stored directly in the shared-strings table.
* We do encode characters that cannot be represented in XML using the following escape sequence:
* _xHHHH_ where H represents a hexadecimal character in the character's value...
* So you could end up with something like _x0008_ in a string (either in a cell value (<v>)
* element or in the shared string <t> element.
* @param string $value Value to unescape
if(empty(self::$_controlCharacters)) {
return str_replace( array_keys(self::$_controlCharacters), array_values(self::$_controlCharacters), $value );
* Convert from PHP control character to OpenXML escaped control character
* That's correct, control characters are stored directly in the shared-strings table.
* We do encode characters that cannot be represented in XML using the following escape sequence:
* _xHHHH_ where H represents a hexadecimal character in the character's value...
* So you could end up with something like _x0008_ in a string (either in a cell value (<v>)
* element or in the shared string <t> element.
* @param string $value Value to escape
if(empty(self::$_controlCharacters)) {
* Try to sanitize UTF8, stripping invalid byte sequences. Not perfect. Does not surrogate characters.
if (self::getIsIconvEnabled()) {
$value = @iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', $value);
if (self::getIsMbstringEnabled()) {
* Check if a string contains UTF8 data
public static function IsUTF8($value = '') {
* Formats a numeric value as a string for output in various output writers forcing
* point as decimal separator in case locale is other than English.
* Converts a UTF-8 string into BIFF8 Unicode string data (8-bit string length)
* Writes the string using uncompressed notation, no rich text, no Asian phonetics
* If mbstring extension is not available, ASCII is assumed, and compressed notation is used
* although this will give wrong results for non-ASCII strings
* see's Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format, sect. 2.5.3
* @param string $value UTF-8 encoded string
$ln = self::CountCharacters($value, 'UTF-8');
$opt = (self::getIsIconvEnabled() || self::getIsMbstringEnabled()) ?
$chars = self::ConvertEncoding($value, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
$data = pack('CC', $ln, $opt) . $chars;
* Converts a UTF-8 string into BIFF8 Unicode string data (16-bit string length)
* Writes the string using uncompressed notation, no rich text, no Asian phonetics
* If mbstring extension is not available, ASCII is assumed, and compressed notation is used
* although this will give wrong results for non-ASCII strings
* see's Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format, sect. 2.5.3
* @param string $value UTF-8 encoded string
$ln = self::CountCharacters($value, 'UTF-8');
$opt = (self::getIsIconvEnabled() || self::getIsMbstringEnabled()) ?
$chars = self::ConvertEncoding($value, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
$data = pack('vC', $ln, $opt) . $chars;
* Convert string from one encoding to another. First try iconv, then mbstring, or no convertion
* @param string $to Encoding to convert to, e.g. 'UTF-8'
* @param string $from Encoding to convert from, e.g. 'UTF-16LE'
if (self::getIsIconvEnabled()) {
$value = iconv($from, $to, $value);
if (self::getIsMbstringEnabled()) {
return self::utf16_decode($value, false);
}else if($from == 'UTF-16BE'){
return self::utf16_decode($value);
* Decode UTF-16 encoded strings.
* Can handle both BOM'ed data and un-BOM'ed data.
* Assumes Big-Endian byte order if no BOM is available.
* This function was taken from
* and $bom_be parameter added.
* @param string $str UTF-16 encoded data to decode.
* @return string UTF-8 / ISO encoded data.
* @version 0.2 / 2010-05-13
* @author Rasmus Andersson {@link}
if( strlen($str) < 2 ) return $str;
if( $c0 == 0xfe && $c1 == 0xff ) { $str = substr($str,2); }
elseif( $c0 == 0xff && $c1 == 0xfe ) { $str = substr($str,2); $bom_be = false; }
for($i= 0;$i< $len;$i+= 2) {
if( $bom_be ) { $val = ord($str{$i}) << 4; $val += ord($str{$i+ 1}); }
else { $val = ord($str{$i+ 1}) << 4; $val += ord($str{$i}); }
$newstr .= ($val == 0x228) ? "\n" : chr($val);
* Get character count. First try mbstring, then iconv, finally strlen
* @param string $enc Encoding
* @return int Character count
if (self::getIsIconvEnabled()) {
if (self::getIsMbstringEnabled()) {
* Get a substring of a UTF-8 encoded string
* @param string $pValue UTF-8 encoded string
* @param int $start Start offset
* @param int $length Maximum number of characters in substring
public static function Substring($pValue = '', $pStart = 0, $pLength = 0)
if (self::getIsIconvEnabled()) {
$string = iconv_substr($pValue, $pStart, $pLength, 'UTF-8');
if (self::getIsMbstringEnabled()) {
$string = mb_substr($pValue, $pStart, $pLength, 'UTF-8');
$string = substr($pValue, $pStart, $pLength);
* Identify whether a string contains a fractional numeric value,
* and convert it to a numeric if it is
* @param string &$operand string value to test
if (preg_match('/^'. self::STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION. '$/i', $operand, $match)) {
$sign = ($match[1] == '-') ? '-' : '+';
$fractionFormula = '='. $sign. $match[2]. $sign. $match[3];
} // function convertToNumberIfFraction()
* Get the decimal separator. If it has not yet been set explicitly, try to obtain number
* formatting information from locale.
if (!isset (self::$_decimalSeparator)) {
$localeconv = localeconv();
self::$_decimalSeparator = $localeconv['decimal_point'] != ''
? $localeconv['decimal_point'] : $localeconv['mon_decimal_point'];
if (self::$_decimalSeparator == '')
self::$_decimalSeparator = '.';
return self::$_decimalSeparator;
* Set the decimal separator. Only used by PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString()
* to format output by PHPExcel_Writer_HTML and PHPExcel_Writer_PDF
* @param string $pValue Character for decimal separator
self::$_decimalSeparator = $pValue;
* Get the thousands separator. If it has not yet been set explicitly, try to obtain number
* formatting information from locale.
if (!isset (self::$_thousandsSeparator)) {
$localeconv = localeconv();
self::$_thousandsSeparator = $localeconv['thousands_sep'] != ''
? $localeconv['thousands_sep'] : $localeconv['mon_thousands_sep'];
return self::$_thousandsSeparator;
* Set the thousands separator. Only used by PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString()
* to format output by PHPExcel_Writer_HTML and PHPExcel_Writer_PDF
* @param string $pValue Character for thousands separator
self::$_thousandsSeparator = $pValue;
* Convert SYLK encoded string to UTF-8
* @return string UTF-8 encoded string
// If there is no escape character in the string there is nothing to do
if (strpos($pValue, '') === false) {
if(empty(self::$_SYLKCharacters)) {
foreach (self::$_SYLKCharacters as $k => $v) {
$pValue = str_replace($k, $v, $pValue);